发布日期:2025-01-04 15:37 点击次数:85
【青浦保利虹桥和颂】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』青浦西虹桥,3站虹桥、5站华为、7站张江!「保利虹桥和颂」二期最后130套今日已取证!此次将推建面约88/99m²3房!青浦销冠楼盘,轨交最近的楼盘!【青浦保利虹桥和颂】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!最新户型图如下:【青浦保利虹桥和颂】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!【产品规划】位列绿档房企第一梯队,世界500强央企保利,2023年全口径金额4246.0亿元,稳居央企第一、行业第一(数据来自克而瑞地产研究)。保利发展深耕上海20多年,多个作品皆备受市场认可。保利虹桥和颂,是保利和字系进阶作品。是其前瞻洞悉城市前进方向【青浦保利虹桥和颂】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!,伴随虹桥发展升级,打造的引领城市人居升级作品。效果图,以实际交付为准保利虹桥和颂构建起“外向邻里,高阶烟火”的滨水人文住区。以“意韵、礼序、邻里、私属、精工、健康”为社区场景内核,力求营造独特的烟火活动聚场,让业主们在这里感受到家的温暖和归属感。【青浦保利虹桥和颂】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!项目现场,实景呈现约500㎡都会潮街区,让人眼前一亮,营造日咖夜酒,邻里闲暇社交的好去处。实景图火爆背后是黄金双轨交,三站大虹桥的无限可能保利虹桥和颂,择址的大虹桥-青浦区“虹桥无界百创城”,是链接虹桥商务区、青浦现代新城,长三角一体化示范区以及上海东西向发展轴带上的重点区域之一。虹桥无界百创城聚焦数字经济【青浦保利虹桥和颂】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!,正构建“一核”(即生命健康创新之核)两翼(即数字绿色科技产业“未来之翼”和总部服务经济“活力之翼”)的功能空间布局,赋能未来无限。保利虹桥和颂坐拥科创千亿发展极,同时据守大虹桥与长三角一体化示范区交汇处,纵享两大国家战略中心辐射红利,区域势能强劲,傲领虹桥4.0科创时代,抢占黄金焦点。示意图《上海发布》最新公布的相关信息,长三角生态绿色一体化发展示范区门户线,亦是大虹桥科创产业核心骨干线——示范区线预计将于2026年竣工,直线距离赵重公路站仅约500米的保利虹桥和颂【青浦保利虹桥和颂】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!,2站前湾、3站虹桥枢纽、5站华为基地,比肩地铁2号线能级,接近地铁两倍时速,一线串联多个高能级科创产业高地,大虹桥、长三角一体化示范区等城市重要发展节点,未来超乎想象。根据《上观新闻》报道,上海第一条市域铁路机场联络线将于2024年通车,浦东与虹桥两大机场之间通行时间将从90分钟缩短至40分钟【青浦保利虹桥和颂】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!,示范区线和机场线在虹桥站实现换乘,7站即可抵达张江,浦东将进入保利虹桥和颂“一小时通行圈”,紧密连接浦东多地。示意图项目近享赵重公路旁约19万方超级综合体(规划中),临近17号线赵巷站,串联蟠龙、天空之城等约220万㎡摩登商业【青浦保利虹桥和颂】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!,无缝换乘地铁2/10号线,通达人民广场、静安寺等多地。距上师大附属青浦实验学校仅约1.5公里,周边规划四块教育用地,三甲医疗护航生活。示意图火爆背后是高阶烟火滨水住区的用心外拥优越,保利虹桥和颂在内部产品打造上,下足功夫。和谐庄重的挺拔建筑,沿水岸优雅灵动排布,秉承现代简约设计理念,形成典雅大气的城市界面。开放式活动架空层【青浦保利虹桥和颂】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!,约270m自然水岸线,与社区园林、沿河风景交融,于此尽情领略四季的悠然,为生活在此的居者创造美好的回忆。效果图,以实际交付为准五重归家礼仪,「都会潮街区」烟火归家入口+「精奢酒店式迎宾大堂」+「全龄架空层泛会所」+「自然潮趣会客厅」+「【青浦保利虹桥和颂】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!双入户大堂」 的组合,赠予生活满满仪式感。效果图约260m活力超级能量轴、约190m自然水岸漫步道、约400㎡全龄游乐空间,为生活带来闲暇和自在。约1900m²中央阳光草坪,预留13种活动模块,让动静皆是意趣。约1050m²水岸主题泛会所,通过泛会所客厅、儿童游乐泛会所、超能健身场和休憩泛会所的多空间设计,【青浦保利虹桥和颂】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!满足不同年龄段业主的休闲、健身和娱乐需求,可停可游可玩的空间表达,在有限的空间中,表达生活愉悦的无限可能,带来邻里互动的乐趣。效果图效果图臻奢建面约88㎡/99㎡户型,专属定制类独立梯厅,让生活拥抱私密和尊贵,LDK餐客厨一体化设计,动线流畅【青浦保利虹桥和颂】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!链接多元生活场景,南北通透三开间朝南设计,承载生活更多浪漫。同时,保利虹桥和颂,拥有7大精装系统,82项精工细节,从选材、施工、收纳、智能全方位考量,全屋采用大牌家电、【青浦保利虹桥和颂】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!环保质材,严控品质关卡。样板间实景样板间实景样板间实景【周边配套】除了自住品质,300万级新房“交通”和“产业”是重中之重。保利虹桥和颂就是当下该级别少有的真轨交房,【青浦保利虹桥和颂】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!直线距离示范区线(在建)赵重公路站仅约500米。从项目出发2站前湾、3站虹桥商务区;向西5站华为研发基地。可见,示范区线(在建)能级非常高,串联上海三大顶流产业的同时,又紧密连接长三角一体化和大虹桥两大国家级战略。【青浦保利虹桥和颂】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!纵观上海所有200万级项目,能便捷串联如此高势能产业的新房,只有保利虹桥和颂。拥有同级首屈一指的轨交和产业势能,手握未来发展先手、弯道超车能力,保利虹桥和颂价值完全碾压其它200多万项目。所以,从交通+产业角度,预算200万起,你也应该首选保利虹桥和颂!若从更大视角看,保利虹桥和颂甚至更把徐汇、张江纳入了自己的通勤版图。一东一西看似通勤有点离谱,但机场联络线(在建,预计2024年完工)+示范区线(在建)的组合,让这一切都靠谱了起来。也就是说,项目所在板块很有可能【青浦保利虹桥和颂】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!汇聚上海四面八方的购买力,那客户池广、购买力强将来会反哺二手房价值。除了轨交,项目自驾也非常便捷,尤其到虹桥商务区,通勤效率高!保利虹桥和颂直线距离崧泽高架仅约1.5公里,上高架后没有红绿灯直通大虹桥核心。[Qingpu Poly Hongqiao and Song] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life! "Friendly tips: The model room adopts the reservation system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" Qingpu West Hongqiao, 3 stations Hongqiao, 5 stations Huawei, 7 stations Zhangjiang! The last 130 sets of "Poly Hongqiao and Ode" Phase II have been obtained today! This time, we will promote the construction of about 88/99m²3 rooms! Qingpu sales crown real estate, the latest real estate rail![Qingpu Poly Hongqiao and Song] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life!The latest apartment layout is as follows:[Qingpu Poly Hongqiao and Song] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life!【 Product planning 】Ranked in the first echelon of green file housing enterprises, Poly, the world's top 500 central enterprises, the total amount of 424.60 billion yuan in 2023, ranking first in the central enterprises and the industry (data from Kererui Real Estate Research).Poly Development has been deeply rooted in Shanghai for more than 20 years, and many of its works have been recognized by the market. Paoli Hongqiao and Ode are advanced works of Paoli and Zi system. Is its forward-looking insight into the direction of the city [Qingpu Poly Hongqiao and Song] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) A glimpse of the city life! With the development and upgrading of Hongqiao, it is a leading work to upgrade urban human settlements.Renderings, subject to actual deliveryPoly Hongqiao and Songgu build "outgoing neighborhood, high-order fireworks" waterfront human settlements. With "rhyme, ritual, neighborhood, private, seiko, health" as the core of the community scene, we strive to create a unique fireworks gathering site, so that the owners feel the warmth and sense of belonging at home here. [Qingpu Poly Hongqiao and Song] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life! At the project site, the real scene presents about 500 square meters of the city tide block, which makes people's eyes bright, creating a coffee night wine, a good place for the neighborhood to socialize.Reality pictureBehind the hot is the gold double-track interchange, the infinite possibilities of the three stations of the Great HongqiaoPoly Hongqiao and Song, the site of Great Hongqiao - Qingpu District "Hongqiao Boundless 100 Innovation City", is one of the key areas linking Hongqiao Business District, Qingpu Modern New City, Yangtze River Delta integration demonstration zone and Shanghai's east-west development axis. Hongqiao Unboundary Baichuang City focus on digital economy 【 Qingpu Poly Hongqiao and Song 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life! The functional space layout of the "one core" (that is, the core of life and health innovation) two wings (that is, the "future wing" of the digital green technology industry and the "vitality wing" of the headquarters service economy) is being built to enable the future to be unlimited.Poly Hongqiao and Song have a hundred billion development pole of science and technology, at the same time, according to the intersection of Great Hongqiao and Yangtze River Delta integration demonstration area, enjoy the radiation dividend of two major national strategic centers, strong regional potential energy, proudly lead the Hongqiao 4.0 era of science and technology, and seize the golden focus.Schematic drawingAccording to the latest information released by Shanghai, the Yangtze River Delta eco-green integrated development Demonstration Zone Portal Line, which is also the core backbone line of the Great Hongqiao Science and technology innovation industry - the Demonstration Zone line is expected to be completed in 2026, and the Poly Hongqiao and Song, which is only about 500 meters away from Zhaozhong Highway Station, is the official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Get a glimpse of the city's best life! 2 stations in Qianwan, 3 stations in Hongqiao Hub, 5 stations in Huawei base, comparable to the level of Metro Line 2, close to twice the speed of the subway, a series of a number of high-level science and technology innovation industry highlands, Great Hongqiao, Yangtze River Delta integration demonstration area and other important urban development nodes, the future beyond imagination.According to the "Shangguan News" report, Shanghai's first urban railway airport liaison line will be opened to traffic in 2024, and the travel time between Pudong and Hongqiao airports will be shortened from 90 minutes to 40 minutes [Qingpu Poly Hongqiao and Song] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer's 24-hour hotline) See the city's best life! The Demonstration Zone line and the airport line transfer at Hongqiao Station, 7 stations can reach Zhangjiang, Pudong will enter Poly Hongqiao and Song "one hour pass circle", closely connected to many places in Pudong.Schematic drawingThe project is close to the Zhaozhong Highway about 190,000 square super complex (under planning), near Line 17 Zhaoxiang station, series Panlong, Sky City and other about 2.2 million square meters of modern business [Qingpu Poly Hongqiao and Song] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) a glimpse of the city's best life! Seamless transfer to Metro Line 2/10, People's Square, Jing 'an Temple and other places. It is only about 1.5 kilometers away from Qingpu Experimental School affiliated to Shanghai Normal University, and there are four educational lands planned around it.Schematic drawingBehind the fire is the intention of high-end fireworks waterfront residential areasOutside the superior, Poly Hongqiao and song in the internal product creation, under the full effort.The harmonious and solemn tall and upright buildings are elegantly arranged along the waterfront, adhering to the modern simple design concept, forming an elegant and atmospheric urban interface. Open activity elevated floor [Qingpu Poly Hongqiao and Song] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life! About 270m natural waterfront, blend with community gardens and river scenery, enjoy the leisurely four seasons here, and create good memories for those living here.Renderings, subject to actual deliveryFive return home etiquette, "city tide block" fireworks home entrance + "luxury hotel style welcome lobby" + "all age elevated floor Pan club" + "natural tide fun meeting room" + "Qingpu Poly Hongqiao and Song] Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life! The combination of double entrance lobby "gives life a full sense of ceremony.Effect drawingAbout 260m vitality super energy axis, about 190m natural waterfront walkway, about 400 square meters of all-age play space, bring leisure and freedom to life. About 1900m² central sunny lawn, reserved for 13 kinds of activity modules, so that the movement is interesting.About 1050m² Waterfront theme Pan-club, through the multi-space design of pan-club living room, children's play pan-club, super fitness field and rest pan-club, [Qingpu Poly Hongqiao and Song] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) to get a glimpse of urban life! To meet the leisure, fitness and entertainment needs of owners of different ages, the space expression can stop, travel and play, in the limited space, express the infinite possibilities of life pleasure, and bring the fun of neighborhood interaction.Effect drawingEffect drawingLuxury building area of about 88㎡/99㎡ apartment, exclusive custom class independent ladder hall, let life embrace privacy and respect, LDK restaurant guest kitchen integrated design, smooth moving line [Qingpu Poly Hongqiao and Song] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) a glimpse of the city life! Link multiple life scenes, north-south transparent three open room south-facing design, carrying more romantic life.At the same time, Poly Hongqiao and Song, with 7 hardcover systems, 82 seenwork details, from the selection of materials, construction, storage, intelligent all-round consideration, the whole house uses big-name household appliances, 【 Qingpu Poly Hongqiao and Song 】 official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) a glimpse of the city life! Environmental protection materials, strict quality control.Model room real sceneModel room real sceneModel room real scene【 Peripheral support 】In addition to the quality of owner-occupied homes, the "transportation" and "industry" of 3 million new homes are the top priorities.Poly Hongqiao and Song is the rare true track of the current level, 【 Qingpu Poly Hongqiao and song 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) a glimpse of the city life! It is only about 500 meters away from Zhaozhong Highway Station of Demonstration Zone Line (under construction).From the project, 2 stops in Qianwan and 3 stops in Hongqiao Business District; Five stops west to Huawei R&D base.It can be seen that the demonstration zone line (under construction) has a very high energy level, and while connecting the three top flow industries in Shanghai, it also closely connects the integration of the Yangtze River Delta and the two national strategies of Great Hongqiao. [Qingpu Poly Hongqiao and Song] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life!Looking at all the 2 million level projects in Shanghai, only Poly Hongqiao and Song can easily connect such a high potential energy industry with new homes.With the leading rail interchange and industrial potential energy in the same class, holding the future development leader and the ability to overtake curves, Poly Hongqiao and Song value completely crushed other more than 2 million projects.Therefore, from the perspective of transportation + industry, with a budget of 2 million, you should also choose Poly Hongqiao and Song!From a larger perspective, Poly Hongqiao and Song have even incorporated Xuhui and Zhangjiang into their commuting map.The east-west commute seems a bit out of place, but the combination of the airport link (under construction, due for completion in 2024) + the Demonstration Zone line (under construction) makes it all sound.In other words, the project is very likely to [Qingpu Poly Hongqiao and Song] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life! Gathering the purchasing power of all sides of Shanghai, the wide pool of customers and strong purchasing power will feed the value of second-hand housing in the future.In addition to rail traffic, the project self-driving is also very convenient, especially to the Hongqiao business District, high commuting efficiency!The Poly Hongqiao and Song line are only about 1.5 kilometers away from the Songze Viadicular, and there is no traffic light directly to the core of the Great Hongqiao after the viadicular.[Qingpu Poly Hongqiao and Song] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life!【青浦保利虹桥和颂】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!